Mythkeepers: Arts, Story, & Nature Skills
Arduinna by Judith Shaw
Mythology is the inspirational fabric that holds this program together. Becoming a 'mythkeeper' means acquiring a vividly metaphoric, heartfelt and dynamic mode of thinking. Mythology speaks a pan-cultural language of symbolism that blends emotion, image, sensation, and thought. Thinking mythologically is essential in today's multicultural world. As adolescents are arriving into their intellectual capacity, mythology provides a way for them to weave this emerging capacity into the rich fabric of their childhood and bodily being. Each session is totally unique because our activities follow from the chosen mythological subject. You can read about last year's camps here.
This program is based on anthropological and psychological evidence that adolescents require unique types of support in integrating aspects of their developmental process and coming into relationship with history and community. In their traditional forms in rites of passage and apprenticeship, this process involved immersion in cultural resources, including arts, ritual, craft techniques, nature skills and mythic wisdom.
Our program is designed with the idea that pre-teens and teens can participate - off and on - over the course of the years between age 11 and 14, and slowly acquire a variety of skills in nature connection, mythological understanding, communication, ceremony and arts helpful for arrival into the fullness of adolescence. Integrating milestone experiences are woven into the program throughout. Prior to this, we offer the Fairy Tale Forest program for ages 4 to 8, and the transitional Guardian Mountain for ages 7 to 10.
“I feel like in this week, I remembered the other half of myself that doesn’t have a place in my regular life. The half that is wild.”- participant
”I loved being in nature and all the skills we learned this week. I knew no one would make fun of me here for being weird or anything.” - participant
”I liked making friends here and going to my quiet spot and watching the birds every morning.” - participant
”THANK YOU for creating such beauty! The world needs more of this, for every child.”-grandparent
”Your camp is our favorite and we hope to attend for many more years. Being in nature in this form has a soothing impact on my kids, even for weeks following. We just try to bask in the glow of what you helped them create and allow ourselves to draw upon those experiences when ever we need to....” - parent
”My daughter is like a different person since she returned home from camp. She is confident again, content in herself...Thank you.”
Antlered Women: Earth-Day Celebration
Sunday April 23rd. Starhouse. A special day for Mothers & Daughters (age 11+), and Women of all ages.
Mythology is filled with women who ride goats, marry bears, tame beasts and roam the forest speaking an antlered language. Our community and world are in need of such women right now to inspire us to remember our fierce human dignity and dedication to the common good. So, on this Earth Day weekend, we will hear, sing, dance, and dramatize the wild stories of these mythic women. We will bring their messages of strength, grace, connection and joyful embrace of life forward into our bodies, paintings, games and drama.
This will be a day rich with tranquil time in nature, playful practices of self-expression, collaborative creation, and rejuvenation of body, family and soul through the power of mythic story. Together we will enliven the energy of our connection to the land.
No prior dance or arts experience needed. Our soul-focused methods create a welcoming environment for creative exploration.
Schedule: 10 am to 3 pm. Fee: $45-60, sliding scale. Mid-morning snacks provided. Live musical accompaniment.
TO REGISTER: Email to receive pre-payment instructions. Space limited. Registration deadline April 14th. Sliding scale fee available by application.
June 19-23 Nature's Fierce Beauty, for Boys & Girls age 11-14. 8:30 am- 3:30 pm. Led by Laura. Details below.
Location: The Starhouse, Boulder CO.
Fees: $365. A limited number of partial, need-based scholarships available. Inquire for application.
To Register: Contact to request registration forms. Early registration discount of $10 prior to April 1st.
Each day involves time in nature, stories, imaginative arts, crafting and cooperative games. Each day is shaped by exploration of a particular story, within an overall thematic framework. Our mythic theme for the week is the strength and glory of the natural world and of our own wild selves. For a sense of how the program takes shape, you can read about last year's camps here.
Artio by Judith Shaw
In pre- and early adolescence, boys & girls require strong and repeated affirmations that there is value in their unique, creative, embodied being. They require supportive environments that allow them to discover, explore and affirm the deeper layers of themselves. An important component of this adolescent journey is finding a fierce sense of being in one’s body and valuing the body as a source of dignity and strength. In this program, we will work as a group - bound together through ancient mythic stories - to affirm each participant's powerful sense of inner and outer beauty, grounded in the beauty of nature.
Registration: Contact us at to request registration forms.
WINTER ADVENTURE 2017: Quest for the Secret Gateway: Dec 20th 9 am-2:30 pm. At the Starhouse. An adventure through movement, story, drama, crafting, nature connection activities, and cooperative games. Together we will go on a journey to find the Kingdom of Vision...
Enrollment is limited to 9 children. Cost: $85. Live music for the drama and dance by harpist Margot Krimmel. Program takes place throughout the Starhouse property, at in the cozy Retreat Cabin, majestic Starhouse temple and all our favorite nooks in the forest.
FALL OVERNIGHT ADVENTURE: Saturday October 1 at 9 am to Sunday October 2 at 9 am. Fee: $75. At the Starhouse in Sunshine Canyon. Register by writing or calling (303) 918-6183.