Fairy Tale Forest Summer Programs
Fairy Tale Forest by Boulder artist Forest Rogers
Fairy Tale Forest is an immersion in wonder and joy, within an environment of harmony with nature and imaginative community such as pervades the world of Fairy Tales. Children at FTF spend the day in a serene forest environment hearing stories and music, dancing, painting and crafting. The day unfolds at a gentle pace as we learn together, work together and play together, basking in the beauty and joy of summertime in the forest.
Taught by award-winning dancer, poet and innovative educator Laura Melling, with nationally-renowned Harpist & composer Margot Krimmel and extraordinary, beloved Violinist and teacher Anthony Salvo, this is our program’s fourth summer paving winding ways into the enchanted time of Now & Forever. (You can read more about Laura & Margot at
Fairy Tale Forest takes place in two pristine foothills locations: 'Magnolia Healing Arts' on Magnolia Road, and at 'Delphi' on Fourmile Canyon Drive. Further location details are below.
About our program....
Each day follows a similar rhythm, which supports the children in feeling quickly 'at home' at camp and is yet open to the spontaneous twists and turns that joy and creativity bring. We begin with a singing walk through the forest. Then, we go inside for a movement journey with live harp or violin, after which we sit for a brief session of watercolor painting. Snack-time with organic, healthy treats readies the children for an outdoor crafting experience, using, as much as possible, found, local and natural materials. Sometimes crafting is done for and left in nature – such as fairy houses, nature alcoves, gifts to the trees. Sometimes we work on useable things for the children like sewing and plant-dyeing the tunics they can wear at camp, making gathering pouches, beading jewelry and dream attractors, headdresses, etc. Lunch and rest on soft picnic blankets allows time for listening to flute music, hearing stories, learning songs and listening to the quiet breath of the forest. Within the course of the day, as the landscape and our happiness inspire us, we compose poetry, play cooperative games, and make up songs, plays and dances together.
June 10-14. "Valley of a Thousand Flowers" 9 am to 2 pm. For ages 6 to 10. At Magnolia Healing Arts. Fee: $285 (FULL)
June 17-21. "Aspen Whispers" 9 am to 2 pm. For ages 4.5 to 8. At Magnolia Healing Arts. Fee: $285 (FULL)
June 24-28. "Dancing on Dewdrops" 9 am to 2 pm. Ages 5 to 9. At 'Delphi' in Fourmile Canyon. Fee: $285 (FULL)
July 1-3. "Through the Emerald Mirror" 9 am to 2 pm. Ages 4 to 6. At 'Delphi' in Fourmile Canyon. Fee: $220 (3 spaces available)
July 8-12. "Dance of a Thousand Fish" 9 am to 2 pm. Ages 4.5 to 8. At 'Delphi' in Fourmile Canyon. Fee: $285 (3 spaces available)
Application & Registration: Age restrictions are approximate and may be flexible, depending on the week. Please contact us. Please note that the methods of this program are slow-paced and open-ended, and work best for children who have regular exposure to nature and limited exposure to tv, video games, and other electronic media. It is requested that if your child's lifestyle includes regular exposure to electronic media, that you begin limiting media upon registration or kindly seek other camp options. More information on this topic can be found at www.whywaldorfworks.org. Also, please note that this program involves a large amount of group work and requires that children be able to listen attentively to the directions of teachers. If your child does not enjoy or has difficulty working in teacher-led activities or in groups with other children, a more independent-work type of summer program would be more suitable. Please ask if you would like recommendations of other area programs. Enrollment is limited to 8 or 9 children per week. Contact mythmovement@live.com for an application. Deposit of $175 will be due upon acceptance and remainder of payment due on June 1st.Early Registration: Applications completed and with deposits mailed by April 15th receive a $10 discount.
Pedagogy & Philosophy...
"Let us first teach little children to breathe, to vibrate, to feel and to become one with the general harmony and movement of nature. Let us first produce a beautiful human being, a dancing child." --
Isadora Duncan,
The Art of The Dance
The pedagogical methods of this camp follow from the theories of Isadora Duncan whose educational innovations were a main inspiration for Waldorf education. These methods provide gentle rhythms for arts-, nature-, and play-based learning, sustaining children in wonder, love and ease, allowing natural integration and unforced development of the whole child in all his or her multiple intelligences. Artist & teacher Laura Melling, MA, IDMA, was trained in the Duncan & Waldorf methods and has been creating her own innovative educational programs for more than 10 years. Her work as an artist and teacher has received awards and support from numerous organizations, including the National Arts Council of Ireland. We will have live music for our morning movement journey and storytelling time by the amazing Harpist
and Violinist
whose many years of working with children and exceptional musicianship open a gateway into the world of enchantment.
Fairy tales appeal to boys and girls alike as images of the soulful vivacity they feel alive in nature and in themselves. These tales carry deep metaphors dense with wisdom and cultural heritage, which feed children for years and years to come. The work of building houses for forest elves, of decorating a tree for the dryads, sewing clothing for themselves as the fairies might, constructing forts to store treasure, and such projects take on a special depth when in an atmosphere shaped by story and animated by dance.
The children at Fairy Tale Forest are exposed to a wide variety of modes of creative activity, including poetry, instrumental music, storytelling, puppetry, dance, crafting of many kinds, painting, theater, gardening, cooking, singing, and cooperativ
e games. It is intended that through this exposure to the many creative arts of full living, the children are inspired in the richness and enthusiasm of their love for the world.
Carpooling:Carpooling from central locations in Nederland and Boulder is recommended and we can help with the arrangements. Locations:Magnolia Healing Arts is located off of Magnolia Road, 7 miles/15 minutes from Nederland and 15 miles/25 minutes from Boulder. The property encompasses 20 acres of diverse forest and meadow landscapes, with many rock gardens and flower fields, as well as a dance studio and fairy cottage. Surrounded by acre upon acre of open woods and meadows, it is a true bastion of tranquility. Delphi is a 25 acre property of mixed forest, ponds, gardens, waterfalls, stream, a number of quaint out-buildings, and a private home. With many cozy nooks and crannies nestled between and around the ponds and streams, the property has been cared for and inhabited by lovers of fairy magic for many decades. It's serenity is held within the sounds of running water. It is located on Four Mile Canyon Drive, an 8 mile / 15 minute drive from Boulder.
Fairy Tale Forest Through the Year
Meeting periodically on Sundays throughout the school year, this program is a series of seasonal festivals. It allows children to remain in connection with the precious forest that they grow to love during camp. We celebrate the changes that come to the forest and enjoy a day of dance, story, music, crafting, games and festivity. Fairy Tale Forest Through the Year is a very unique and joyous way to mark the passing of time. Each day concludes with a festive gathering with parents and siblings. The 2013 - 2014 school year schedule available now. This program fills fast so please register early. Contact Laura at mythmovement@live.com
Blessings of the Forest!